- Title IX
The University strives to allow students to live in a campus community free of sexually intimidating circumstances. St. Ambrose strictly prohibits and will not tolerate any act of sexual violence. St. Ambrose will treat both the person(s) reporting sexual violence and the accused student(s) with respect and make their rights and options clear.
Sexual violence includes sexual contact done by force, by the threat of force or without the consent of the victim. Also included is sexual contact while the victim is under the influence of a drug-induced sleep, unconscious, lacks the mental capacity to make a rational decision, or is incapacitated. It is not necessary for the victim to have physically resisted in order to establish an act of sexual violence was committed.
Consent is an act of reason and deliberation. A person who possesses and exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision and voluntarily agrees to another person or persons proposition or proposal is said to have given consent. Consent assumes a power to act and a reflective, determined, and unencumbered exertion of this power. Consent may not be given or assumed if the person making the decision is known to be or should be known to be incapacitated, has an intellectual disability which prohibits the individual from consenting or is a minor an unable to consent pursuant to applicable state law.
St. Ambrose University seeks to encourage and sustain an academic environment that both respects individual freedom and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of all community members. St. Ambrose strongly encourages students to call Campus Security (563-333-6104 or 911 from campus phones) to provide medical assistance for those who may have been harmed or are dangerously under the influence of drugs or alcohol. No student seeking medical treatment for the effects of drug or alcohol use, or who may need assistance while unlawfully under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, will be subject to University discipline for violating the St. Ambrose Code of Conduct as it relates to alcohol and drug use. Should behavior be deemed to violate the code of conduct, emphasis will be placed on affirming individual and collective student well-being first and foremost. However, students may be held responsible or accountable for acts committed while intoxicated, as intoxication will not be viewed as an acceptable excuse to alleviate individuals of responsibility or accountability for a policy violation. Medical amnesty will be granted to both the intoxicated student and to the student(s) seeking medical assistance on behalf of the intoxicated student.
St. Ambrose University engages in many programs that promote awareness and prevention of rape, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Primary sources included information in the student handbook including definitions of sexual assault recognizing signs of abuse and bystander intervention. Written information on sexual violence is available in the Dean of Students Office, and may be periodically provided to students. Resident advisors and security officers receive training in victim sensitivity and the University's philosophy and procedures in dealing with sexual violence. Student Affairs provides ongoing campus sexual violence awareness programs. Specifically these includes programs offered to all new students and staff on bystander intervention, programs in New Student Seminar that teach recognition, avoidance and awareness of signs of both sexual assault, and domestic violence along with techniques for reducing the likelihood of stalking, sexual violence and dating violence. Annual programs on these subjects are also offered by Student Affairs and a Kinesiology class which covers Rape Aggression Defense. These programs are offered each semester and begin with emails targeted to students and staff at the beginning of each semester.
St. Ambrose University follows these principles regarding individuals involved in allegations of sexual violence:
In cases where alleged sexual violence occurs, University conduct review procedures will be followed, and the University will make a determination in accord with the Harassment and Discrimination Policy. Additionally, both the Reporting person and the respondent will be notified of the outcome. For details on conduct review proceedings see the Conduct reviews Procedures Section.
Possible sanctions for sexual violence and other sex offenses can include, but are not limited to, admonition, warning, restitution, probation, suspension, or expulsion.